
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sunday Review: Sage Blog Tours Presents: Madame Lilly, Time of Sanura Vol #3 by Dormaine G.

Title Madame Lilly, Time of Sanura
Author Dormaine G.
Source Received in exchange for an honest review
Purchase Link AMAZON


History has a way of repeating itself

Madame Lilly journeys back in time to her great-grandmother's era, the time of Sanura. Both women possess more than a kinship for they are each bound to harmful spirits whom they refuse to relinquish. By the hand of a mysterious being, Elijah, Lilly is transported into the past to witness the dark path Sanura chose—ultimately leading to her demise.

Sanura fights to deny her ability to see the non-living, but the more she refuses the sight, the more the dead flock to her. A dreadful accident takes place, forcing her to finally accept her once unwanted gift. She soon welcomes the dead.

Through Sanura's struggle of growing up an innocent child forced to take on the burdens no one should carry, she ultimately transforms into a frightfully powerful woman. Lilly watches from afar as Sanura grows more commanding with each act of wickedness, until her final downfall. Even then, Sanura refuses to surrender her bound spirits for they need her as much as she needs them.


This was a very difficult story to review. Overall I think this was an average short story. It didn't keep me enthralled but I did finish it in one sitting. So that has to mean something right?

The characters were interesting. I liked the main character for the most part. She was a strong woman but not so strong it was being shoved in your face. I really like when its easy to accept like it was in this book.

The plot moved along rather quickly. I realize for a short novella the plots tend to do that. But I would have liked to have seen more depth in the characters instead of the faced paced plot.

Overall I'm giving this a 3 star. While it was decent in the plot line I really wanted more out of it to slow the pace.

If you like novella's and short stories then you are probably used to the quicker pace. You would most likely like this one.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for hosting me on your site. I appreciate the review.
