
Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Night It All Became Clear....

The Night It All Became Clear.....

I have intentionally not blogged at all in the past few months because what’s going on in my house right now is extremely private and very hard in so many ways. When I started the adoption journey I had some idea of what to expect but I was still extremely clueless on certain aspects.

Last night, October 28th, was most likely one of the best nights of my life. And that’s saying a lot.


It wasn’t the finalization of the adoption, nothing of major importance happened, but, it was a major moment in my heart.


I’ve been sick for about a week now and when I got home I was feeling majorly weak. Work had worn me down, and I had a headache. The moment I walked across my threshold of my home the dogs started barking, the kids were noisy and my husband looked like he needed a break. My brother and his wife had been out of town for a week so we had been babysitting my puppy-nephew Parker. Whom is the most adorable puppy ever. So Ry already told me he would be stopping by the house to pick up Parker so I knew that soon my house would be crowded with more bodies.


(I’m not going to say the kiddos names so lets just call them A & S.) I quickly got my son, A, and asked if he wanted to help me make dinner. We had grilled chicken over salad. He of course said yes because he loves helping me cook. Maybe one day he will be a chef! We had started cutting up the lettuce and carrots when S came into the kitchen and told me she wanted to make her daddy a necklace. After explaining that daddy probably won’t wear a necklace she decided she would make it anyway. So there she is, sitting at the kitchen table putting beads on a string when the doorbell rings.


The dogs go crazy and so do the kids. Everyone but Tony and I run to the front door to welcome the aunt and uncle in. The kids go wild, Parkers barking and jumping and Toto and Doogie were running crazy.


Life was perfect.


My sis in law, we will call her Mar, comes up to me and hugs me and then tells me how much she and Ry missed the kids and how they talked about them non-stop with her family. And its only been 96 days (today) with the kiddos and already everyone is attached. She then tells me how they are always thinking how they should get this or that for the kids and how they ARE coming over Saturday to spend Halloween with their niece and nephew. And of course Tony and I! How easily we are forgotten it seems lol.


Once they leave its just the 6 of us again. Life calms down and A and I finish cooking, well preparing a salad. We all sit down to a family dinner where the kids talk about their day, we laugh, say our prayers and go about having a wonderful family dinner.


Now its time for Dad to go to bed, which normally is an uneventful experience. Except tonight … S breaks the news … the night I thought the television was possessed by a ghost it was really Dad playing a trick on me with an app on his phone … and now its on.


Tony and the kids then precede one at a time to laugh and play and goof off for a good 15 minutes. It was so loud! My head was KILLING me. But it was the best moment of my life. I sat at the table watching Tony play with each of the kids. Chase them around the house. Watch the kids jump on him, punch him and tease at him.


And it was in this moment that I ‘knew’ everything will be okay. Everything that we’ve had to learn to grow through, cope with and learn to manage was worth this moment. Because this is family. This is what its like….being a mom.


And there is absolutely nothing more exciting or important to me than being a mom.

And since I can't yet post pics of my kids here's a pic of the dogs!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sunday Review: Sage Blog Tours Presents: The Cypress Trap: A Suspense Thriller by JC Gatlin

Title: The Cypress Trap
Author: JC Gatlin
Source: Given in exchange for an honest review
Purchase: AMAZON


What if your spouse was not who you thought he was and you got caught up in murder mystery you had no control over? This best-seller suspense thriller draws you in to not only Rayanne and Owen's failing marriage, but also their nightmarish last ditch getaway on a Georgia lake. It is a heart-thumping story of betrayal, brokenness, and horror where the protagonists do all they can to stay alive. 

Check out this stand-alone story in a murder mystery series that will make you think twice about going on a camping trip. 


What an interesting book! It was a very different mystery and I always love different when its one of those books you just can't stop reading.

This cover made me question my sanity on reading. I usually look for something more catching but I was just curious on what on earth a Rabbit could have to do with a mystery.

Stand alone stories are always my favorites because it pulls you into the authors style but doesn't over play the characters.

If you like stand alone mysteries, or mysteries in general I think you will like this one.

While I'm only giving it 4 stars that isn't really for anything other than I just felt like a few things could have been more tight in the writing and story. It is a very solid book and I don't think anyone should pass it up if mystery is your thing.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Enchanted Book Promotions Presents: Halloween Fires by Val McMurray

About the Book
Title: Halloween Fires
Author: Val McMurray
Genre: Historical / Supernatural Thriller
The time: 1340
The place: Swan village, the estate of Sir Hubert Longhurst, on the banks of the River
Severn, and the city of Bristol in the south west of England.
The story:
On All Hallows Eve, a satanic mass is held in the forest across the river Severn.
A girl is sacrificed and a young boatman dies.
A suspicious priest, Father Simon, the Sheriff of
Bristol and three Dominican Monks hunt the “Satanists”.
Their evil leader is the Dominus.
The Dominus is quite mad and plans revenge. The villagers will suffer.
In Bristol devil worshippers are tortured and burned.
The Dominus murders his partner and kidnaps a girl.
A black mass takes place. There is torture and death.
A battle is fought.
The Dominus flees.
The Lord of the manor holds a Manor Court to investigate the frightening events.  Prisoners must be taken to Bristol for trial by the church.
They, and a rich treasure, must be escorted to Bristol.
Satanists in Bristol, plan to fight for the treasure.
There is a battle on the road. Many are killed, the treasure is lost.
 A blacksmith and a small boy assist the Sheriff in an attempt to regain it.
Perhaps Evil has been overcome; however, Devil worshippers in Bristol plan another  mass.
The Sheriff is lured away.

In the Glade of Stones the Devil may yet triumph.

Author Bio
As a child in England I loved to write stories. I have lived in Sydney Australia for over forty years. My children and grandchildren live close by. I worked as a trained nurse until retirement. Sadly, then, my husband needed nursing. Now I live alone and needed to follow my own interests. First a Book Club (all writers need to read), and I love it. Our discussions are lively and I have read many books that I would never have picked but for the club. It really widened my horizons. I also joined a Writers Group in Liverpool and have found great enjoyment and satisfaction in learning from the very different people in the group. I have been pleased to see several of my articles in print. We contribute to Freexpression Magazine (, which is edited by Peter Pike. His unfailing encouragement and that of Michael Norris, who read the first draft of this book (and believed in it) has been the impetus needed to goad me to finish it. The research was daunting, but I have always been interested in history, and I soon became immersed in the 14th century. How the people lived and their deeply felt superstitions and customs held me enthralled. There are, inevitably, mistakes. Please forgive them. I set out to write a rollicking good yarn, set in the south west of England, I hope that you enjoy it.
