


Memories in a Box currently has on average over 3,000 views in a rolling four week time period spanning over seven countries. (US, Canada, Russia etc...) Would you like your books to take a front page view to thousands of readers? If so, then here are few new advertising specials just for authors at an affordable price.

"Featured Book Of The Week" - for $15.00 a week you will have your book featured on this blog. You will have a separate "Feature Book Of The Week" link on the 'pages' section across the top of the bar along with a blog post mimicking this one.

What will be on this post?

Cover art, professional reviews, excerpts, author info, buy links. In short, whatever you want featured I will make available so long as it isn't nudity or explicit material. This is a great way for you to have seven days of consecutive exposure to thousands of readers. I will also post this blog link on my Facebook page and my Twitter page which will reach over 3,000 fans of my own.

"Featured Author Of The Week" - for $10.00 a week you will have your photograph (or book cover) posted in the top right hand corner of my blog (above the most popular post links) with a short 3 sentence blurb about you or your book. You will have one link access that can take readers anywhere you want them too.

"Friday Author Special" - For $20.00 you will get Four Friday's in a row of postings. These can be anything you want them to be. Interviews, guest posts, top ten list, feature and follows, whatever you like. If you want a review post I do ask that you give me two months notice and note that there are no guarantees on star ratings.

To ask questions or secure your advertising please select the product that best suits you, and email Ashley via her 'Contact Me" button or at to make arraignments.

(Please note that advertising on Memories in a Box does not guarantee any actual sales. Each book result varies)