
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday Review: Black and White Desires by Alexandra Webb

Source Received a free copy in exchange for an honest review
Purchase Link: AMAZON 


Erika’s world is turned upside down when she agrees to a photography job for Landon, a sexy archeologist with a passion for control. When he hires her for a shoot of a different nature, a BDSM demonstration on submission, Landon takes her into a lifestyle that has only been a curiosity for her. She must learn to let go of her control to follow her desire to submit. Can Erika come to terms with what she needs from Landon and learn to give up the control she clings to? 

****Warning: Contains BDSM Elements*****


This book was very powerful to me. It pulled out a LOT of emotion that I never would have thought I would feel just from reading a book. And it wasn't the kind of emotion you would really expect. It's hard to explain so bare with me.

 The plot was solid for the most part. I sort of felt like Landon pushed himself on Erika a bit too quickly but that was his personality so it was forgivable for the story. Erika ... I just ... am not sure about her. When I read I always try and put myself in the main character's point of view to help me feel their emotions. I just couldn't with Erika. And not because the story was bad or anything but because I learned that this lifestyle is no way in any shape or form for me.

I think that's what my review of this is going to be about. How this book made me feel.

I am trying to remember the last true BDSM book that I have read. Not one with half-assing life style's like the 50 shades crap. Or just kinky sex, which with the BDSM is part of it. But a book with the true mental thoughts and actions of a submissive. And I can't remember any being like this.

This book won't be on my list of "favorites" because I am very much not okay with the "submissive" mind set and it really angered me a lot of the ways throughout the book how Landon and Erika were. But that being said ... all of the emotions that continued to come out inside me kept me wanting to read the book. Each page flew by.

If I take out  my lack of enjoyment for the submissive lifestyle and look at this book for what it is, a first person novel about a woman and a man learning to love each other, then I have to say it was a very good book. It just taught me that BDSM is more than kinky sex. It's a way of life. It's a mindset. It's not for me. But that doesn't mean it isn't for you...if this book had been in Landon's point of view maybe I would feel differently. Actually I am sure I would.

Overall I'm giving this 4.5 Stars. I really REALLY think everyone who is curious about BDSM should read it. It will show you that this '50 Shades of Grey' series isn't anything like what the reality of this lifestyle can be. That was child's play, this is reality.

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