This room is my sanctuary. It is where I can escape everything and feel peace. All of my favorite things are in here and it not only provides me with inspiration but it gives me an escape from whatever reality is approaching me at that moment.
So for whatever reason, my psyche woke up today thinking If I reorganize the room, inspiration will strike and I'll feel good. So I hauled the hubby in, gave him my idea, he gave feedback and then left me to contemplate what he suggested.
Fifteen minutes later I had reorganized it and he walked in, 'Why didn't you ask for help?" I shrugged - something in me just had to get it done. So now I had a new writing corner. One next to my bookshelf covered in photos of my family, my favorite books, and the ninja turtles. Go ahead and laugh, but I love those guys!
The dogs had a new spot next to my chair and I had made a corner where I could put my candles, incense and other things of that nature.

So now I'm armed with Nachos and my laptop. I take that first bite and the memory jumps up and bites me in the proverbial ass. I remember one Friday night in fifth grade, my mother, brother and I were piled on her bed, armed with Nachos, watching Tales from the Crypt.
Now I just can't stop smiling, I used to love our Friday night dog piles in her room. There was Star Trek, Tales from the Crypt, Twilight Zone ... so many great things.
But now my room smelled like cheese and I just didn't want that - So I dig around and fine my lavender to burn. And now peace. Peace jumps up and snags a piece of me and takes me off to a place that makes me remember that first moments of the wekend morning.
You know, when your eyes are barely open and things are peaceful. This is my favorite part of the day. When life is easy and quiet. My dogs are usually curled up next to me and the hubs is either at work or in the other room watching TV already.
The best things in life, for me, are those that bring you peace and comfort. And that's what my little sanctuary does for me.

So in this edition of Ashley's Randomness I traveled through thirty years of memories - thirty years of smiles and laughs.It's these little moments that make the every day hustle and bustle worth it to me.
And then there is the memories I made with my Mom -- And how thinking of her always reminds me of home.
What a warm and lovely story Ashley. I have had the same kind of day from time to time. I'm a very nostalgic person and love re visiting good memories.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment Monique. I am all about nostalgic moments. Thats' how this blog came to be, thinking about my Great Aunt Lee's painting she gave me. I don't think people should go through life with out stopping to appreciate the little things that came our way over the years that made us smile. Have a grea Sunday!