Virtual Book Tour Dates: 2/12/14
– 2/26/14
Genre: Poetry
Promotion: Black
Rose, Wilted will be $2.99 during the tour!

Great Gothic Poet brings you writings from my very heart and soul.
From my service for our awesome country to relationships gone good
and wrong. These literary workings are for more than just one Genre
but for ALL! Please enjoy.
maybe exhoneration is warranted;
maybe, it is not!
My only job is to have the nations foes rot
The deeds of evil of which they perform
Surely, death is earned to them.
Killing the innocent for a “statement” our enemies do So eloquently!
Call to 911 thousands strew
Can we recall 9/11
See the irony here?
But still, I am merely doing my duty
A hero I am not
Only a selfless servant to our great nation
Heroes are the brethren who have gave all
So that I have the liberty to write about the sensations of which I feel the calling
The thank you is warming
They calm the storm that brews so heavily within
So I say to you, America
Buy Links:
Barnes & Noble
Frederick Jones:
on April 6th 1970 in Ft Carson, Colorado and raised in a military
Family, I have had numerous experiences that stretch across the
globe. I currently live in Augusta GA where my Family settled in
after my Fathers retirement from the Army. I too, am a Soldier. I
have served 2 combat tours. One during Operation Desert Storm. The
other from 2004-2005 for Operation Iraqi Freedom. I currently am
serving in the Military with the primary function of training our
Soldiers for deployment. Divorced twice, I have 3 wonderful children
(Fred Jones IV, Serenity, and Kaitlyn) who are my everything! My
children are and ALWAYS will be my priority. Raised in a very close
Family and I am so glad. My parents; Lydia J Jones is a Brilliant
teacher, and, my Father who is retired Military have made me who I am
first book “Black Rose- A Book of Poems and Short Stories” was
published September 29, 2010. Shortly after that in 2011 “Black
Rose” was featured in the 2011 New York State Book Exhibit. Later
in the year the Signed Industrial Metal music group Sonik Foundry
sponsored my literary works on their 2011 Redemption tour of the
2012 I was presented a unique opportunity and given the job of Sci-Fi
Author for Digital Lust Magazine in New York City, NY and am still
writing Sci-Fi stories for them.
2013, The European Music Group Anything But Monday met with me and
was presented a copy of “Black Rose”.
second book “Black Rose, Wilted was published December 19 2013 and
stay tuned as I have many more stories and poems soon to be
with the Author:
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