Happy New Release to Merewyn and Jessie, my two new lead characters of HoneySuckle Love!
I want to give a quick apology, I made this blog last week but I forgot to press ‘publish’ so just pretend I put this post out on the actual release day. 😝 It will be our secret hehe.

So HoneySuckle Love was inspired by one of my besties, Mez. She’s from the UK and our friendship developed in an online book club. Mez inspired the character Merewyn, and not just because she was her namesake. Ironically, when I first created the story and started writing the bad guy, Albert, had a different name. I didn’t know at the time but I picked the same name as one of Mez’s brothers so she had me change it. Funny though! As my daughter would say, just more reasons the story was meant to be.
HoneySuckle Love is my first dip into the true contemporary romance genre. I’ve had obvious love stories in other books but they weren’t romances. This was a cookie cutter story because I wanted to target different readers, challenge myself, and just try something new.
I am really pleased with how this novel panned out and I have ideas in place for book 2 and 3. My daughter and I have started brain storming what the arc will be for book 2.
I know I have mentioned this before but all through school English was my hardest and most challenging subject, so seeing my writing develop over the last 7 years is a big deal for me. I will always love Blood Purple and Wolf Pack, my two first stories, but this novel really cut the mold for me. I can clearly see the development of my quality and character development.
It is always something amazing as an author when you can look back and see how far you have come and how great it feels knowing your work brings people joy.
I did something a little different this new release, I offered ARC to non-friends. I wanted real true and honest feedback. Everyone who contacted me had nothing but positives to say and that’s new for me. Usually there are critics about wanting different story lines or more character depth. But something really worked this time. Which makes me thrilled. I am really looking forward to more feedback from readers.
Hopefully you all take the time to give HoneySuckle love a chance.
Happy Release Day Merewyn and Jessie ... May your story inspire high school sweet hearts everywhere.
HoneySuckle Love (Kemah Sunrise Book 1)I want to give a quick apology, I made this blog last week but I forgot to press ‘publish’ so just pretend I put this post out on the actual release day. 😝 It will be our secret hehe.
So HoneySuckle Love was inspired by one of my besties, Mez. She’s from the UK and our friendship developed in an online book club. Mez inspired the character Merewyn, and not just because she was her namesake. Ironically, when I first created the story and started writing the bad guy, Albert, had a different name. I didn’t know at the time but I picked the same name as one of Mez’s brothers so she had me change it. Funny though! As my daughter would say, just more reasons the story was meant to be.
HoneySuckle Love is my first dip into the true contemporary romance genre. I’ve had obvious love stories in other books but they weren’t romances. This was a cookie cutter story because I wanted to target different readers, challenge myself, and just try something new.
I am really pleased with how this novel panned out and I have ideas in place for book 2 and 3. My daughter and I have started brain storming what the arc will be for book 2.
I know I have mentioned this before but all through school English was my hardest and most challenging subject, so seeing my writing develop over the last 7 years is a big deal for me. I will always love Blood Purple and Wolf Pack, my two first stories, but this novel really cut the mold for me. I can clearly see the development of my quality and character development.
It is always something amazing as an author when you can look back and see how far you have come and how great it feels knowing your work brings people joy.
I did something a little different this new release, I offered ARC to non-friends. I wanted real true and honest feedback. Everyone who contacted me had nothing but positives to say and that’s new for me. Usually there are critics about wanting different story lines or more character depth. But something really worked this time. Which makes me thrilled. I am really looking forward to more feedback from readers.
Hopefully you all take the time to give HoneySuckle love a chance.
Happy Release Day Merewyn and Jessie ... May your story inspire high school sweet hearts everywhere.
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