As a writer I had become accustom to writers block. This
seemed a normal par for the course when it comes to building worlds and
creating characters. What I truly didn’t understand was the challenge of
fitting time in to write while you are parenting.
It’s been two and a half years since we got our kiddos and I
still haven’t mastered any resemblance of schedule on how to include writing
into even a weekly activity. At this current rate I will put out only a single
novel a year and truly I would love to do at least two or three. Last year it
took me a year to produce HoneySuckle Love. While I think it is a quality story
I do wish that I would have been more diligent on my pursuit.
Right now I am working on a YA Dystopian, The Ones Who
Lived, and I think I have about a third of it written so far. But wouldn’t it
be nice if I could kick it into gear and have it out by ComicPalooza time? Hell
Yeah it would!
I sometimes wonder, “What’s wrong with me?” but then I
remember, ‘Oh yeah … the mom thing…’ There has to be a balance somewhere.
Somehow, I am open to suggestions!

The truly sad part is I have to plan out just a couple hours
a week for me to relax. It’s
insane how busy we are lately. I have stuff planned into 2019 even! I would prob go crazy if I ever
lost my planner so let’s pray to God that it never disappears. I have a
co-worker that threatens to hide it from me. Oh she better not!
Take for example one of my good friends, D. He and his
family have been talking about coming over for months now. MONTHS! It literally
takes MONTHS in advanced for me to find the time that the hubby and I are free,
on a weekend, for 6 hours, in order to do something as simple as breaking bread
with a close friend.
My therapist has told me that the hubby and I need to put
ourselves first and we keep saying we are going to. And as I write out this
crazy random blog the insanity of my kids ruling my life is slapping me in the
face. When did I lose my power and authority? How did this happen?
Ashley … YOU HAVE TO MAKE TIME FOR YOU!!! I keep telling
myself this yet I never do.
Okay, tomorrow … I am making time for me. There I said it, I
put it in writing and it’s on the internet, it has to be now done now.
But in all reality … I am truly curious, how do you all make
time for yourselves?
Here is a snap shot of my planner ... do you see my Saturday?? #CRAZINESS
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