Thursday, August 15, 2013

Book Blogger Take 12

Question: Were you a born bookworm or somebody got you into the habit of reading?

I had no idea I was a book worm until I got wrapped up into the world of fiction. As a child I always liked books but I didn't LOVE them until high school when I started exploring Tami Hoag's mystery. She really changed my 'book  life' so to speak. Now, I read and read and read and it's my favorite way to pass the time.


  1. It's common that many grow to love to read during high school because that's when your reading skills are more developed.

    My post

    1. I always loved the reading classes in school. It was great exploring new worlds.

      Always great seeing you here Vonnie!

  2. I think it's great that Tami Hoag's books really got you reading. For some people, all it takes is one good author. :)

  3. I grew into being a book worm. My complete answer is in the link below.

    Have a great day!!

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  4. I haven't read either of those - Might have to check them out.
